Friday, January 24, 2014

1-24-2014 Free Discovery Day

Today, you will work in teams of two or three and choose the sketch you'd like to try.  See how many sketches you can construct.  Remember to use the prewritten code which can be found at

Thursday, January 16, 2014

1-16-2014 Arduino Part 2

Today we will continue our investigation of Ardunio microcontrollers by working on Sketch 4 called Multiple LEDs.  Please find it on page 35 of the SIK Guide here.

Remember, sharing is caring.  We do not have enough Arduino boards so you will need to set up your CIRCUIT on your breadboard, then take turns testing it with the shared Arduino.

To get the code/sketch for this circuit, google  You will need to download it.

Then in groups of two or three, try changing the code in the Sketch to make the LEDs light up in different patterns.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

1-9-2014 and 1-10-2014 Game Board Reflection

Today we will wrap up our Board Game project!

We need to do 2 things:
1.  Peer Evaluation - Working well in a team is a Work Force Skill that employers are looking for in employees.  Your teachers at LOMS have designed projects like the Board Game project to give you opportunities to work in a team situation.  It's not always easy working with others.

today we will evaluate ourselves and our team members for their contribution to the project.  Please be respectful but honest.

2.  Reflection - This will be a BIG PART of your grade for the board game project.  The reflection piece that you write will show Ms. Rickard what you learned from this experience.  Please be thoughtful as you write this piece.  Use this opportunity to demonstrate and explain what your learning.

Create a Google Doc and call it:  Final Reflection:  Board Game Design

1.  What (10 Points) 
This part of the reflection is kind of like evidence.  This is where you explain what you did during the project. This needs to be written as if you were telling someone who is not at this school about the project.  Explain everything from the beginning.

Things that we did:
-create a Google Form to get ideas from Mr. Wilcox's eight grade class
-brainstormed a concept
-paper prototyped the rules
-tested the rules by playing the game for a few minutes then rewriting the rules
-planning what we needed to make our board (including our research of science and social studies)
-designing and buiding the board and game pieces (including finding images, ModPodge, painting, using clay)
-testing the games by having other teams play them

2. So What (15 Points)
-what it was like coming up with the concept of the game
-how did you use the feedback from the eighth graders to design your game
-what was it like writing the rules of the game and what were challenges your faced
-what it was like working in the team
-what it was like to have other teams play the game.  Did players play the game/follow the rules as you expected?  Did players like the game?  What was good about your game?  What was not good about your game?
-what was it like creating an advertising campaign for your game?  Be sure to talk about your print ad, the video commercial, the radio commercial, and the Scratch commercial.  Which did you enjoy creating the most and why?  Which one do you think would be the best one to motivate people to buy your game?

3.  What Next (5 Points)
If you were going to redesign the game again, what would you do?  Would you change the rules to make them easier to understand?  If you could add anything to your game, what would it be.

If you had to learn more about game design, what would it be?  What kinds of things would you be interested in learning about regarding game design.  Are you interested in video game design?  Why?

Links for pictures:

Monday, January 6, 2014

1-7-2014 Music!

Music today!

1-6-2014 Let's Play!


Then Code Monster for ten minutes.  Click Here.

Today we will play our games.

We will have one team play our game and we will stand behind the team and watch them play it.

Then we will switch!

The purpose of this activity is to OBSERVE the game play to see if they game runs as we thought it would.