Monday, September 30, 2013

9-30-2013 Finish your team interview Form

Today your team will finish working on your Interview Form for your Game.  Click here for the assignment.  You can find your Form in your Drive.  Do a search in the top search window for the Form.

To do a search you can click on the down arrow in the search bar and choose forms, then write "game" in the search bar and click the blue search button!

Be sure to have at least four questions, one by each person in your team.  More questions are better!

Also, be sure to add a question asking people to include their name so we know how is answering the questions in your form!

When you finish your Form, your Team Leader needs to Turn It In using the Form at the bottom of this page.

When you are finished with your Form please log on at

1.  Copy and paste this code:   a5388e52
2.  Click the blue button that says I'm a student.

3.  Uncheck the box that says I am over 13 years old.

4.  Add your First Name, Last Name, Username ( ), and Password (same as Novell password).  Put check marks in "I agree to terms of service."

Note:  you don't have to add your email address.

5.  Click the blue Get Started button

Click close.

6.  Click Welcome to Ignition

7.  Click Launch Course, then Continue

When finished watching the video, click the X in to top right corner.

Do the rest of the modules.

Friday, September 27, 2013

9-27-2013 The Interview

Let's finish brainstorming our questions for our Google Form!

Remember, this game will be based on science or social studies.

You will probably want to ask players which science and which social studies topics are most interesting to them.  

Make those questions mulitple choice.

You might also ask about their favorite board games.

You will need to have at least four questions.  More is better.

Then we will create our Form!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

9-26-2013 The Interview!

We will begin each STEAM class with keyboarding.  Go to Typing Club and work for ten minutes today.  If you cannot get into Typing Club, see Ms. Rickard.

I am setting a goal that every student reach 20 words per minutes with 95 percent accuracy.  Those students who reach this goal will receive a raffle ticket.

We have finished our Rapid Prototype and have created a reflection on our websites.

Now it is time to make a real board game to test it with real clients.  Click here for our assignment.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

9-25-2013 Insert Image!

Today we will work on our website reflection for Rapid Prototyping Board Games.

Today we will insert a picture also known as an image.

You took one picture of your game and uploaded it onto a Doc into your Google Drive.

Please take another picture of your game from the second round of prototyping.

We will upload those onto your site along with pictures Ms. Rickard took during the prototyping session.  Please, only use pictures of YOUR team.

Monday, September 23, 2013

9-23-2012 Catch up work

Today during STEAM we will work on catching up with missing assignments.

Friday, September 20, 2013

9-20-2013 No STEAM today because of field trip!

We will work on board games next Monday.

Work on your Reflection over the weekend to make your writing better.  Edit, edit, always edit!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9-18-2-13 Let's Prototype!

Move back to your old teams.   Walk carefully with your computers.

First, we didn't have time to take pictures of our game on Friday so let's start with that.

Do you remember how?  If not, click here to go to my Rapid Prototype webpage.

Instructions for taking pictures are in red.

Now for our second round of Prototyping!

Monday, September 16, 2013

9-16-2013 Pictures Anyone!

Today, we need to work on our writing for Deconstructing Board Games Doc.  Go to the doc, look for my comments and work on your sentences.  If you have no comments, you may work on your Math Scrolls or work on Buzz Math.

Sam's team needs to see me.  Looks like you have two docs created.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9-12-2013 Sub Day!

Today I would like you to play computer games during STEAM.  Not just any computer game.  You must play the ones I'm assigning for you.  As you play, try to figure out the mechanics, dynamics, and asthetics of the games.  We will discuss tomorrow.

You will need your earbuds!  Or you will have to mute your audio.

Here are the games you can play:

Lure of the Labyrinth



Questions I will ask you tomorrow:
1.  Mechanics:  What are the mechanics (rules) of the game.
2.  Dynamics:  What strategies did you come up with to play/win the game?
3.  Aesthetics:  What feeling did you have playing the game?

Have fun!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9-11-2013 Finish Deconstructing Board Games

We will have a counseling presentation today during STEAM.

In the meantime, let's finish up our questions for our Board Game Deconstruction.

Go to your Drive and find your Collaborative Doc in your Drive.

You have 15 minutes to work on it.

We will debrief.

Then we will practice taking pictures with our computer to get ready for our rapid prototyping session!

Friday, September 6, 2013

9-9-2013 We must Deconstruct!

We will play another round of Monopoly then we will continue to deconstruct the game.

Today, we want to pay close attention to Dynamics and Aesthetics.  Check out the definitions here.

9-6-2013 Deconstructing Games Debrief

Yesterday, we created and worked on a collaborative Doc in our Google Drive.

Today, the team leader needs to Turn In the Doc by filling in the Form on this page (Click here.  See bottom of the page).

Then we will Debrief.  Google Debrief to see what it means.

After we Debrief, we will create a letter to place in a Time Capsule which will buried here at the school and will be reopened on the last day of school.

You will write a letter to YOURSELF.

The purpose of writing can be to communicate/ write your thoughts or feelings about the topics listed below. At the end of school, you will read your letting and see if your thoughts and feelings are the same or if they have changed.

No one will read your letter, not even your teacher, without your permission. So write in a spot in the classroom where no one will look over your shoulder.

The more effort you put into letter now, the more enjoyable it will be read later.

Here are some topics you can write about:

  • Hopes for the school year 
  • Fears or concerns
  • Goals
  • Friends and social issues
  • State of our country or the world
  • Likes or dislikes
  • And last, but probably the best topic - advice you would give yourself, etc.

Letter will be sealed in an envelope, with your name on the outside, and within a water proof container which will be buried outside for the entire year.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

9-4-2013 Monopoly!

It's the day you've all been waiting for!  Today we begin our game design unit by, well, playing a game. We're not just playing the game because it is fun, we want to figure out the rules and strategies behind the game as well as have fun!  It's called Deconstructing Games!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013